Ultimate Food-Prep Survival Guide

Single Dad’s Food-Prep Survival Guide

Know what foods your kids like and will or won’t eat. Before you head into the kitchen, it helps to know what ingredients you need, and that largely depends on what your kids will and won’t eat. Some children are super picky when it comes to food, while others are content with whatever you put on their plates. So be sure to take the time to get to know your kids’ food preferences (if you don’t know them already). A good place to start is simply talking to them and discussing what foods they like. If that doesn’t provide the direction you need, pay attention to what your kids order whenever you go out to eat and start there.

Plan ahead. When single dads take the time to plan out all the stops on their food-prep journeys, everything falls into place much more smoothly. Once you have an idea about the foods your kids will eat, it’s time to consider two things: (1) how many meals you’ll need to prepare each week, and (2) how many days you can conceivably cook. For example, if you are responsible for feeding your kids five to seven days’ worth of meals and can only devote enough time to cook a few times a week, plan to cook more upfront and refrigerate/freeze the leftovers for use on another day. It’d also be good for you to plan how you can use the leftovers in different dishes on different days (for example, using leftover roasted potatoes and vegetables from Thursday night’s dinner for a breakfast hash on the weekend). Once you’ve got a handle on these items, it’s time to make a grocery list. Be sure to keep that list handy (on paper, on your phone, or on your computer) so subsequent trips to the grocery store go as smoothly as possible.

Go grocery shopping and stick to your grocery list. Once you’ve created your grocery list, you’re ready to tackle the shopping, which should be as painless as possible since you have a plan and know exactly what you need to buy. If you know you will use certain ingredients more often than others, it will help to buy them in bulk, if possible. Items to buy in bulk include dry pasta, rice, beans (canned and dry), oats, corn (canned and/or frozen), apples, berries (frozen), onions and peppers (to chop and refrigerate/freeze), spices, meat (to keep in freezer), and cheese. While grocery shopping, it’s often essential for single dads to pay attention to budgeting, so shopping during sales and using coupons can be highly economical. If you’re someone who detests setting foot inside your neighborhood grocery store, consider using the smartphone apps of major stores that allow you to order your groceries by app and pick them up at the store.

Prepare your meal(s). Once you’ve stocked up on ingredients, it’s time for the real magic: putting it all together in a healthy, delicious meal. If you already know how to cook, kudos to you! If not, there are tons of online videos that can help you become a master in the kitchen. If you’re still a bit apprehensive about food preparation and cooking, it’s time to embrace the slow cooker, which allows you to put all the ingredients in and simply wait until your food is done. It’s also a good idea for single dads to have some standby dishes to put together for their kids in a crunch, such as pasta, stir-fry dishes, and casseroles.

Additional Food-Prep Tips

  • Cut up frequently used vegetables (onions, peppers, carrots, celery, etc.) at the beginning of the week—or right after getting home from the grocery store—so they’ll be readily available when you need them. Be sure to label and refrigerate or freeze.
  • When cooking, consider doubling recipes so you can refrigerate or freeze leftovers so they’re on hand for another day.
  • Invest in a slow cooker—so many possibilities, so little effort.
  • Cook with your kids and allow them to play an active role in food preparation. They’ll be more likely to eat what they help prepare. Plus, they’ll learn valuable kitchen skills that will stay with them forever.
  • For especially hectic days, it’s not a bad idea to have a nutritious frozen pizza or two on hand. Just pop it in the oven and go on with whatever it is you must do.
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