The Math and Science of Baking with Kids

When you bake with a child, you can have fun in the kitchen, enjoy fresh-baked treats, AND introduce the building blocks of science and math. Baking is a science, and recipes and measurements must be followed exactly for your cookies, cakes, and treats to turn out deliciously consistent each time. The benefits of reading and following each step of a cookie recipe are greater than just enjoying a tasty batch of cookies. Choose a cookie recipe from Kitchen Ink’s recipes and introduce the following concepts.

Exact measurements are key to baking. Examine a measuring cup and explain that 8 ounces make up a cup. Each time a recipe calls for a measurement, show how adding or subtracting achieves the required amount.

What is the difference between a teaspoon and tablespoon? Three teaspoons make a tablespoon!

How does baking soda work? Discuss how baking soda makes cookies and breads rise by releasing carbon dioxide bubbles into the batter when mixed with an acid and heated.

How do you measure temperature? Show how degrees are used to measure temperature when you preheat the oven.

Enjoy making memories in the kitchen!

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