Growing & Roasting Garlic

Garlic isn’t just for scaring away vampires! It is a vegetable planted in the ground, and the perfect flavor addition for almost any dish. You can even grow it yourself.

Growing garlic:

Tip: garlic grows best when planted in the fall

  1. Save one garlic clove from a bulb
  2. Dig 3-4 inch deep holes in fertilized soil, 6 inches apart 
  3. Place a garlic clove in each hols with the pointed end up
  4. Cover with soil and mulch and water
  5. Wait 7-8 months
  6. Harvest garlic when the leaves turn brown

Eating garlic:

Garlic has a spicy, powerful taste when eaten raw. When cooked though, garlic becomes sweet and nutty. It is typically sauteed to add flavor, but the best way to introduce garlic to children is roasting it.

Roasting garlic:

Garlic becomes soft and sweet when it is roasted, and this cooking method involves squeezing the garlic cloves out, a perfect way to get children involved.

  1. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees
  2. Cut the top off a bulb of garlic
  3. Cover the garlic bulb in olive oil and salt
  4. Wrap the garlic bulb in tin foil and place in the oven
  5. Roast for 30-40 minutes, or until the bulb feels soft
  6. Remove the bulb and let it cool
  7. Unwrap the tin foil once it has cooled 
  8. Squeeze the garlic cloves out of the bulb

Add the squeezed garlic to salad dressings, butter, or spread it right onto toast. The possibilities are endless!



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