Flag Day, June 14th

Do you know why we celebrate Flag Day in the United States of America? As you hang your flag to celebrate flag day on June 14th let’s look at the history of this holiday.

In 1775 the American Revolution broke out when the US was fighting for independence from the England. The US colonists formed regiments to fight, and each flew their own flag. The Continental Congress created the first American flag for all regiments to fly presenting a united front.

On June 14, 1777, a resolution was passed stating that “the flag of the United States be13 strips, alternate red and white with 13 white stars in a blue field”.

Over 100 years later, in 1916, President Woodrow Wilson, marked the anniversary of that decree by officially establishing June 14 as Flag Day.

Who designed the first American Flag?

During the Revolutionary War Betsy Ross sewed uniforms and repaired tents. In 1870 Betsy’s grandson William Canby shared the story that his grandma sewed the first American flag, but this remains unconfirmed.  It is confirmed the designer of the flag was Francis Hopkinson, a New Jersey delegate and signer of the Declaration of Independence.

 What do the stars and stripes on the flag represent?

In 1818, Congress limited the number of stripes to 13, seven red alternating with six white arranged horizontally. These stripes represent the original 13 Colonies and for each new state a star would be added to the flag. Each new flag would become official on the Fourth of July following the previous year’s admissions. Currently the U.S. flag has 50 stars.

 Do you know how to properly fold an American flag? Two people are needed and must stand facing each other each holding both corners of one of the flags shorter sides. Working together, lift the bottom half of the flag over the half that contains the blue field of stars. Next, fold the flag lengthwise a second time so that the stars are visible on the outside. Make a triangular fold at the striped end, bringing one corner up to meet the top edge. Continue to fold the flag in this manner until only a triangle of star-studded blue can be seen.

On June 14th  hang an American Flag to celebrate Flag Day.

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