24/7/366: What will you do with your extra 24 hours this Leap Year?

By Olivia Hahn

This year marks a very special event which only happens every 4 years. 2024 is a leap year. Leap Years are often misunderstood and forgotten, but they are extremely important. And no, they have nothing to do with frogs!

Leap Years were originally added to the calendar in 46 BC to keep it in alignment with the earth’s rotation around the sun. When the earth circles the sun, it takes 365 days and an additional 6 hours. Due to these extra hours, every 4 years, a day is added to the year to account for this rotational time.

Now you might be wondering, what happens to people who are born on the extra day which only happens every 4 years? Do they celebrate their birthday on a different day each year? Do they only celebrate it every 4 years? Those with birthdays falling on the extra day in Leap Years proudly refer to themselves as “Leaplings”. These Leaplings are not alone, there are 4 million worldwide. It depends on each person, but some decide to celebrate the day before or after instead of waiting every 4 years.

As I breathe in the chilly air outside here in Boston, I know to expect at least another few weeks of cold before we get some nice warm weather in April. I have Leap Years to thank for that. Leap Years maintain the calendar’s structure and prevent the dates from shifting, keeping the seasons aligned.

Not only does the Leap Year help keep the dates right, but it also affects the time. Each Leap Year there is an extra 1,440 minutes added. Lots of extra time to try out some new Kitchen Ink recipes and spend time with family and friends. What will you do with your extra day this Leap Year?

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